Saturday, May 26, 2007

Memorial Day, Dan and Judes

We had a Barbecue over at Dan and Judes. Hot dogs, wiffle ball and some play time at the school. Here is a funny movie of the kids on the playground and on the way home we saw 2 antiques, one of which I caught on film.

I've added some pictures from Dan (Linked on the left under Gebben's Galleries) Those incredibly green lawns are from fertilizing 4 times a year. The fam is doing well, Cassie is almost an adult now but is still tethered to her computer unable to leave it for more then 10 minutes at a stretch, hehe. Mark is almost as tall as me now and still loves sports. He wanted to listen to 107.7 when we drove down to the school. LeLe is doing great and I taught her some multiplication. Appearantly, she says, I do know multiplication. I just asked her what 3 X 3 is and she was like.... I don't know that.... Then I said... What is 3 groups of 3. Easy, 9 she says. Hehe. We did this for a few more minutes. She is one smart girl.

We had a blast, cant wait to do it again soon. (Maybe at my new house soon)

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