Thursday, April 19, 2007

Nathaniel Sleeping

Today Nathaniel was doing great. He was a little jaundiced but nothing to worry about. Here are some pictures of him sleeping away.

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Isn't he a cutie?

Here's a new picture of Nathaniel. He is a little cranky today and wants to eat quite a bit. I walked him around for a while and he was fascinated with the mirror for a few minutes. He has a healthy set of lungs thought, of that you can be sure. ;)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Nathaniel Alexander Schulze

Well the day has come and our new baby boy has arrived. He was born at 12:00 on the dot and measured 22 and 1/2 inches and was 9 pounds and 3 ounces. He is healthy and happy.

At 12:04 he urinated on the nurse and then again at 12:06 just after she had cleaned him up the first time. Mom did great baking this one and I changed his first 2 diapers! (It was more of a honor then a chore). Currently Mom is resting up and is doing great. There was some touchy feely moments in recovery but she's doing fine now and was walking around the hospital tonight.

Today was a great day and one I will always remember. Here are some pictures which I'm sure your more interested in.

Mom, Dad and Ryan (The Soon to be, at the time, New Big Brother) wait patiently in the Triage room getting checked in.

Dad is all ready. When I went in I wore a surgical mask and a hat so the only thing you could see, really were my eyes. I sat down next to robyn and held her hand. She held mine weakly. I stood up for a moment since the procedure had begun and wanted to make sure she was ok. Everything looked in order and I said, "Honey, are you ok." It took a moment for her to reply but then she said, "Wow, you look different. I thought your were a doctor or something."

Hehe. After that she was fine. She was quite loquacious throughout and she even laughed at my corny jokes. (When she was getting stitched up and time was dragging on, seemingly indefinitely, I asked if the Dr was stitching her initials. LOL. Well atleast it was funny to us who were there hehe)

This is Nathaniel Sleeping Soundly. What a cutie.

This was taken in the triage, preop, but its such a great picture of the two. They are so excited.

Our Room Number so we don't forget. Hehe. Not that you care. Its for our nostalgia. The doctor who performed Robyn's operation had the same room 8 weeks prior when she was giving birth and one night when we had some concerns about the new baby we rushed to the hospital and were also in this same room.

The new Big Brother. Ryan was a great helper. He made his mom Special drinks (Sprite + Juice with ice) and took care of his little brother and watched over him. He had a great time at the hospital but by the end of the day he was exhausted. (He's listening to hist crickets as I type this and sleeping like a rock.) When we said our prayers tonight he had to include Nathaniel. God Bless Mommy, Daddy and Everyone I love... Wait... Dad... We have to do it again. God Bless Ryan, Daddy, Mommy and Nathaniel. God Watch over mommy and Nathaniel tonight. Amen.

This is the latest picture of Nathaniel. I think hes sleeping for the night although Robyn is sure he will wake up at 10:00.

I will keep you posted. BTW there are no 'Real' Changes at the new house. They are in the process of taping and they added some garage doors. Taping is a time consuming process and has to be done right so not much progress other then they guys doing the taping are pretty good. I will be out again soon and will post more pictures. For now Nathaniel is dominating my time. Have fun, stay safe. :)

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Excellent progress at new home

We drove out and saw that all of the siding is completed and nearly all of the sheetrocking. The progress was fun to see and it gives me a better idea of what the completed house will look like. The temporary stairs are out and the real stairs are in making it much easier to traverse the new house. They are hoping to pour the garage floor and porch floor this Friday but that all depends on whether or not Mother Nature decides to cooperate. ;) The septic system looks nearly done as well.

Here are some pictures.

Right side Elevation

Off center Front Elevation.

Right Side through the woods

Everyone taking in the views

Front elevation. There is 1 set of shutters missing can you find it?
Posted by Picasa There is also one movie. (There is a propane heater burning in the background hehe) Click here to see the movie.