Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! We had a busy but fantastic Christmas and we almost got to see everyone! Sadly we didn't make it up to Maine this year and I really wanted to see everyone but perhaps we can plan a trip in the coming year. I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays and festivities. Here are some pictures from the past few days:

Christmas Morning, Presents unopened but for how long?
They left cookies and milk and a letter for Santa
Close up of the letter 1
Close up of the letter 2
Santa Wrote Back! 
Close up of Santa's Letter
Deb Deb and Ray! We shared a great day of presents and great food just after Christmas!
Owen and His Lego Creations
2013 Christmas 
Renee and the Tree
Present Time!
Cousins on Ray's wall
Next we had Christmas with Grammie
Mackenzie and Byn

Grammie and Robyn
Grammie and Ryan
Nate opening his car
Mackenzie playing with Nate's Remote Car
Meme and Robyn
Nate is around somewhere
Mackenzie found a 'necklace'
Mackenzie loves the Piano this year, She played for quite some time