Saturday, December 31, 2011

Dan spotted an owl

We had our final Christmas gathering of the year over at Dan and Jude's. I am hoping he adds some pictures up in his gallery so I can post and share them. (Or link to them) We had a great time and a chance to see Cassie before she headed back to the air force. (She was home for the holidays) While we were there Dan spotted an owl and zoomed in with his camera to snap a picture.

This is a bit blurry because it is a picture of the screen on his camera. Great shot of the owl.


Thunder, thunder, thunder cats!!!
Just playing with some jQuery. Nathaniel loves his sword!

Click to Animate Photo

Friday, December 30, 2011

Nate building a Birdhouse

Video of him building

He worked on this birdhouse for a little over two hours.


Another angle of the construction

Painting the Birdhouse

He didn't quite finish painting it. We put it away to dry and he finished painting it the next day.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Robyn's New Chandlier and 3 Way Dimmer

New Kitchen Chandelier, it takes six bulbs and they are all 'dimmable' LED bulbs. Each bulb uses only 7.5 watts but is as bright as a 40 watt incandescent bulb.

The light is a crisp white light although that is difficult to capture in a picture.

We also added a 3 way dimmer for the chandelier. First time I wired a 3 way dimmer.

Dimmer has a cool LED night light when it is switched off.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Visiting my Mom, Sister and Nieces in Maine

We had a great time up in Maine this year and visited with Nana, Auntie Chelle, Tessa and Kaleigh. We made a brief stop at the outlets in Kittery and got lucky picking some great hotels.

Tessa, Kaleigh, Ryan and Nate



One of the gifts Nate received was the Legendary Sword of Omens. He can use it for Sight beyond Sight or to defend or he can transform it from dagger form to sword form.

The mighty sword fully extended and ready for battle.

(The original Thundercats from when I was a kid and the new 2011 Reboot are on Amazon. You can also rent the original Thundercats on DVD from Netflix but they don't have the reboot yet)

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas at the Mazzone's

On our way to Maine we stopped at the Mazzones for our third Christmas Gathering. Here are some pics.
Kids all together

Nate and John playing hockey. When we first got there the boys all headed out to play hockey. (Along with the dog who wanted to play too.)

Nate playing hockey

Game off, have to wait for the cars to go by


Sophia, Renee, John and Nate


All the kids together again. (Ryan, Sophia, Renee, Owen, John and Nate)

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas at Meme's and Pop Pops

We enjoyed our Second Christmas gathering at Meme and Pop Pop's house with Grammie. We had a wonderful time, here are some pictures:

Nate trying out Pop Pop's new Vest

Grammie, Ryan and Nate. Ryan is demonstrating his Kindle Fire

Nate got an awesome hat that is reversible. You can flip it over and it becomes an entirely different hat.

The same hat reversed

Pop Pop noticed at our tree decorating party that my gate was broken. One of his presents was fixing the gate and surprising me on Christmas! Great present. Not only did he fix it but then he installed it while I was gone on vacation. Thanks Pop Pop! It works great now!



Pop pop


Mark made an Apple Pie. This is it before he cooked it.

This is it cooked. (It was delicious!)

Ryan and Pop Pop in conversation, Nate is about to attack.

Ryan and Grammie

Ryan trying on new sweatshirt

Sir Formal

Christmas Morning



Ryan and Nate

Santa's Letter



Nate first thing in the AM

Sunday, December 18, 2011

2011 Tree Decorating Party

Pop and Ryan

Oooo Christmas Tree

Nate decorating


Judy, Meme, Pop Pop and Ryan

Meme and Dan
