Saturday, March 24, 2007

Progress on the New house

We drove out on a beautiful Saturday to see the progress on our home. It was in the mid sixties and was a wonderful drive. Our house now has electricity and some plumbing. There are still a few windows that have not been installed yet but lots of progress has been made.

Below are some pictures and you can find the complete collection here.

Looking out the Master Bedroom

Looking out the Conservatory

The Jacuzzi is out of the garage!

Ryan Watched A Crane Truck

Ryan watched a truck drive in and back up and then seemingly without a controller move concrete forms from one hole to another. Later he realized that it was being remotely controlled like an overgrown RC toy. I thought the above picture was great but you can find more pictures and a video here.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Sunday, March 11, 2007

We have windows

The Jacuzzi is still in the garage though lol. But now we have sky lights and windows in. The house is coming along nicely. (Although it was a little muddy out back)

There some videos and other pictures here. (I can add more later) We've been thinking about appliances and we're pretty sure we want stainless steel so we've been thinking about the Profile series by GE. (Link) We're still open to suggestion but we will have to decide soon as we will want appliances when we move in.

We were thinking of something like this for a refrigerator:

And this Stove


And the dish washer

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

A roof. WOOT!

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