Monday, May 26, 2008

Visit to Maine

We just got back from a most joyous visit to Maine. We were entertained by my mother, brother, sister and my beutiful nieces. We did make a vain attempt at some restorations to the back storage room of my parents home but I fear my skills as a carpenter are not matched by my ambitious love of life. Hehe.

My mom is doing great along with my brother. My sister had a sore throat but other than that is doing great as well. I love seeing my nieces and they are both doing well also. They plan to come down in august for a trip to mystic.

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1 comment:

Sean said...

Sounds like you had a great time! I can't get over Nathaniel's red hair. Where did that come from?!?!?! It's always cool to see some of those recessive genes pop out every now and then.