We headed to DC for a few days. Our first stop was the Lincoln memorial.

We rented a van for the long drive. Kids watched scooby doo, pirates and bolt!

We stopped a lot and almost everyone got ice cream.

Even baby!

Riding the metro.

Waiting for the metro.

President Nate

President Ryan

Met my sister and her kids in DC.

Tess and kaleigh rocking shades!

Nate hanging out with Abe.

We stopped by the White House but tours were cancelled and we couldn't go in. :(

Monument off in the distance. Still under repair from earth quake.

We stopped by air and space museum and watched journey to the stars in their planetarium. (Boston is better in my opinion)

Predator drone

It is Nate's birthday so we wrapped the night up with pizza, cake and ice cream cake!