Sunday, September 25, 2011

Kayaking and Swimming at Red Cedar Lake

Travis brought his kayaks and we headed out to Red Cedar lake for some fishing and Kayaking. Ryan took one of the Kayaks and a pole and headed out to fish for an hour or so. Travis alternated between hanging out, killing snakes and fishing. :) A Great Time was had by all.

Nate and Anya

Travis's Kayak

Robyn chilling after lunch

I am out there somewhere

Nate was amazed at the snake Travis caught

Saturday, September 24, 2011

2011 Colchester Rhythm Run

CDG Group Shot

Ryan. Byn and Penny getting ready

Chelsea Medals! 
Penny Medals!

Robyn Medals!

Ryan Medals. (And he Beat his mom and dad... this kid is fast!)

Group Shot

Nate getting some of Me-Mes Cookies! 

Award Ceremony, Pop Pop, Nate and Ryan

Nate watching Ryan Cross the Finish line!

Saturday, September 03, 2011

2011 Block Party

Some pictures from the 2011 Block Party.
Nate on the slide

Ryan at the swings

Can you find Byn?

Celia and Melissa

Nate making smores


Red Cedar Lake Swimming trip

Travis, Ryan, Anya, Nate and I went on swimming/fishing trip at Red Cedar lake. Not too farm from my house its a great local place to go swimming, hiking and kayaking.