Sunday, June 26, 2005

June Birthday Parties! Posted by Hello

Friday, June 24, 2005

Jason Turns 30!

Uploaded from my cell phone. For more details about Jason's birthday and a few videos click here.

Boating on Lake Pocotopaug

Cruising around Lake Pocotopaug! For more pictures and videos of this excursion click here.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Ryan Graduates from Kindergarten

A big day for the little guy! As part of the ceremony Ryan had to perform the Pledge of Alliegiance and a little song called The Speckled Frog. After the ceremony the kids got to play on a sponge bob square pants moon bounce and the parents got to socialize and eat lots of pizza. (There was some pizza for the kids too!) I'm proud of the little guy.

Ryan's exciting day is at hand! Schools out for the summer!

Self Portrait he did. The kid's got an eye for detail!

The Lil Graduate relaxing with his friends.

Ryan's bouncing in the Sponge Bob Square Pants Moon Bounce!

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Ryan's Ant Farm

Ant Farm now complete with 3 queens. Posted by Hello

Ryan loves his new Ant Farm. He was able to obtain a queen from Deb Deb's house that the other ants seem to have adopted as a surrogate mother but his latest acquistion is 2 more queens one of which has mated. For a video not for the squeemish you can click here.